
3 Big Sky Events: The Supermoon in 2021



            What Is A Supermoon?

supermoon happens when the full moon coincides with the moon's closest approach to the Earth in its orbit. It makes the moon appear a little brighter and closer than normal days, although the difference is hard to spot with the naked eye. There is almost 12 to 13 supermoons in a year. 

What Exactly Happens When It Is A Supermoon?

As it is a supermoon, which is essentially a Full Moon and it is closest point to Earth, we will see a larger Full Moon than usual. However, it is also a total lunar eclipse on the same day, we will be later seeing the Moon in its glowing red tone. So this is a Super Blood Moon.

The red colour comes from the Earth blocking out most of the Sun’s light from reaching the moon and filtering out the remaining light to give the Moon its red ‘total lunar eclipse’ shade.


3 Consecutive Supermoons!

Supermoon is named by many names because of its colour, size and also the month. But a few of them are quite rare moments because the moon totally changes its colour and size. The names of these supermoons is Blood moon, flower moon, pink moon, and strawberry moon. 

These supermoons are discussed below with a detailed overview.

Why We Call It Blood moon?

It is called when the moon completely covers in the shadow of the earth, it becomes dark but not completely black. Instead, it looks red, so a full lunar eclipse is also called red moon or blood moon. And it is also known as super blood moon.

What is Flower Moon?

The full moon, which will be illuminated as the light of higher wavelengths strikes its surface, is also known as the Flower Moon. The term comes from the use by the native American tribes as it is the time of year when spring flowers appear in abundance.

What Is A Pink Moon?

Pink Moon" is a named for the full Moon around the time of April, when the moss pink, or wild ground phlox, is in blossom. The pink moon is named not because it will remain on a particular colour, but because of the colour of the flowering phlox. Modern skywatchers term this phenomenon a “super pink moon” – a term coined by an American astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979.

What Is A Strawberry Moon?

June is known for its Strawberry supermoon. It has been named after the fruit season that’s between spring and summer in the month of June. It is mainly known as Strawberry Moon but sometimes it is also known by other names, like the mead moon or the honey moon. Due to it being the season of honey harvesting, the moon is also referred to as the sweetest moon.

What Happens When It Is A Strawberry Moon?

According to this Almanac, as the full Moon in June and the last full Moon of spring, the Algonquin tribes called this the Strawberry Moon. 

Spiritual Believes About Strawberry Moon

The strawberry was a symbol for Venus, the Goddess of Love, because of its heart shapes and red color. ... To symbolize perfection and righteousness, medieval stone masons carved strawberry designs on altars and around the tops of pillars in churches and cathedrals.

How Many Supermoons Are There In the Year 2021?

In a year, there May be two to four full supermoon . In the year 2021, there are 3 supermoons. These 3 will occur in the months of April, May and June. 

April: Pink moon

It was a Supermoon with a bright pink colour. It happened on Thursday 24 April. Officially full moon at 2:39 p.m. Eastern time. The full “pink moon” will start to rise in the east-northeastern sky at 7:24 p.m. on Monday, 26 April, 2021. And the super pink moon will set in the west-southwestern sky at 6:26 a.m. Tuesday morning, 27 April, 2021. 


May: Flower moon

It was a Flower moon with a dazzling light. I happened on 26 May, 2021. Officially full moon at 7:13 a.m. Eastern time. The super moon started to rise in the east-northeastern sky at 8:53 p.m. Wednesday, 26 May, 2021. And the full “flower moon” will set in the west-southwestern sky at 6:20 a.m. Thursday, 27 May, 2021. This was a rare moment of super moon. The May full moon coincided with a total lunar eclipse, making the moon appear to be a rusty-reddish color as the Earth’s shadow blocks the sun’s light from shining on the moon. That’s why astronomy experts often refer to an eclipse moon as a “blood moon.” It seemed as a bonus for us. The moon turned red. And it was seen by many places in India. 

June: Strawberry moon

It is strawberry supermoon as because of the month of June. It will occur on Thursday, 24 June, 2021. Officially full moon at 2:39 p.m. Eastern time. The full moon will set in the southwestern sky at 5:59 a.m morning. Friday, 25 June, 2021. 

Hope you will get a golden chance of viewing this golden moment. Below a chart is given which you may see if you want to see the full list of all the supermoons which are going to occur in 2021.

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