
What Is An Artificial Sun Made By China | Temperature | Weight | Size | Nuclear Fusion |

What Is An Artificial Sun Made By China

Artificial Sun Made By China

Everyone heard of a news that
artificial sun made by China. 3 days ago China has named a new world record for itself in its latest scientific experiment, "an artificial sun".

The temperature of this artificial sun made by China is 6 times hotter than the real sun. All the popular media and news reports have already covered this news.

What is the reality behind? Has China truly made an artificial sun?  Can this artificial sun replace the real sun? After all what happened? How will China launch this artificial sun? 

I will answer all these questions in just this small post. 

Is It Truly An Artificial Sun Made By China?

Let us uncover this mystery with a realistic fact about an artificial sun made by China. First of all it is misleading to use this word "artificial sun" which has been presented by all the newspapers.

China haven't done anything to which we name as an artificial sun. As well as this can not replace our real sun. So what did China do after all? 

Let's Discuss

Actually, today more of the  power source which is present on the earth usually pollute the environment or they produces  harmful radiations which will cause bad effects on human body.

For example, we use coal in  the thermal power plant to produce electricity but this process highly pollutes the surroundings. Same as, we also produce energy  by the process of nuclear fission reactor.

But this process gives harmful radioactive waves which is very dangerous for us. As a human, day by day we are improving our technical field so it is possible that in future we will suffer from energy crisis. Because as we progress, we are using more and more energy.

So scientists are in search of a harmless source of energy as not to face energy crisis in future. Now the main energy sources which are  available for us are very harmful which is also polluting the environment.

So scientists are searching an environmental friendly source of energy to avoid pollution. Nowadays electricity and solar panel technology are one of the most used energy sources which proves that we are forwarding to an eco friendly source of energy because development doesn't means we start polluting the environment. 

What Has China Achieved?

To know this achievement of artificial sun made by China, we have to  know the basic phenomena of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. You have surely studies about this in your school days. Let's again discuss about this.

What Is Nuclear Fission?

Nuclear fission is the process of subdivision of a heavy atomic nucleus, such as that of uranium or plutonium, into two fragments of roughly equal mass.

This process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy. The process of nuclear fission occurs in every nuclear reactor present on the earth.

 In this process, mainly the nucleus of uranium 235 and plutonium 239  have been used because they are called as fissile material.

They are known as fissile material because they are able to sustain the nuclear fission change reaction. When their heavy nucleus breaks down to form many small nuclei, they produce gamma radiation, protons and a very high amount of heat energy.

This heat energy is used to operate the steam turbine which produces electricity. But their is one problem with this whole process.

This process also produces large amount of radioactive waste which is harmful for humans as well as environment. Also some more threads are found in the process.

In the year 2011 a nuclear disaster "Fukushima Daiichi" caused in Japan is also an example of this. Fukushima Daiichi Accident caused a major earthquake, a 15-metre tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident beginning on 11 March 2011.

All three cores largely melted in the first three days. Radioactive waste produced in a large amount which was responsible for all this disastrous occurance. 

What Is Nuclear Fusion?

Nuclear Fusion is totally opposite from nuclear fission. Its means that nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles.

This process produces a heavy nucleus which releases large amount of head energy. Nuclear fusion is also the source of light and heat of our sun.

Because hydrogen nuclei fuses to produce helium nuclei. When we compare nuclear fusion with nuclear fission then we get to know that nuclear fusion is better than nuclear fission.

Because nuclear fusion doesn't produces any harmful residue like radioactive waste. It means, when we get success in execution of nuclear fusion then it will produce much more heat than nuclear fission and also this will not harm the environment as well as humans.

Which means that nuclear fusion is a environmental friendly and clean source of head energy. So that scientists were trying to construct an artificial source of nuclear fusion from a long time. China got success in this field which is now become a topic of discussion.

China is saying that this device can maintain more than 100 Million° Celcius of temperature in the presence of plasma for almost 10 seconds.

While our sun's core has only 15 Million° Celcius of temperature.Which means that China's artificial sun's temperature is 6 times greater than the original sun. 

How Did China Do This?

Now you have been thinking that not any material is able to withstand this much quantity of temperature. So how did it happened? What will we do with this heat energy? 

We know that nuclear fusion only occurs in stars like sun. This is also the source of light and heat for these stars.

To do nuclear fusion on earth a device named Tokamak reactor, have been used. This is a special type of device which contains a hot plazma with the help of magnetic plazma in a fixed area.

This will help the container to maintain distance between the reactor and container. Because hot plazma has the capability to destroy everything.

There is not any material which can bear the hotness of plazma. Experimental advanced superconducting tokamak is the name of device China is working on which is also known as EAST.

This device is having the height of 11 metre, diameter 8 metre, weight 360 ton with a cylindrical shape. 

What Is The Process Working Inside Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak or An Artificial Sun?

Firstly, heavy and super heavy isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium are cast inside the device.

After that these isotopes are heated with the help of electricity inside the Tokamak to separate elections from the atom. It forms the charger plasma of hydrogen ion.

The powerful magnetic present in Tokamak produces magnetic field combines the charged hydrogen plasma ions in a container to ensure the fusion of ions.

They produce high energy after the fusion which is used to run the power plant and to produce electricity.

Chinese rechearchers says that they used some advanced and new techniques to heat the ions and also to control the heat of hot plasma. 


Recent Achievement Of The Artificial Sun Made By China

China's "Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak" which is also named as EAST has achieved a plasma temperature of 120 million Celsius for almost 2 minutes or about 101 seconds which is a great news for the world. 

 Talking about the 'Artificial Sun by China' experiment creating a new record, the director of the physics department of the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, Li Miao spoke to Global Times saying, "The breakthrough is significant progress, and the ultimate goal should be keeping the temperature at a stable level for a long time."

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